Whom do you give your brokenness to?

Anthony Muiruri

Whom do you give your brokenness to?

Let me tell you of something that happened to me sometime back which I believe is going to give you a thing to critically think about.

A gadget in my house broke down. Since I was already contemplating replacing it with a new one, this provided a good opportunity to do so. I hence approached a neighbour of mine that I thought could make use of it. As far as I was concerned, the fault was not a major one.
So I told him how with just a little fixing the machine would be up and running again. He was very glad for my consideration of him. Now if I have to tell you, this neighbour of mine deals with scrap metals.

Within minutes, he came over and I assisted him to carry the faulty machine to his place. Sometimes, what we may not value may be useful to another. I imagined that since the individual pays attention to the small details, he would fix the gadget and use it or even resell it.  Only to pass by a few hours later and find the machine in bits and pieces on his yard. It was now scrap. Of course I should have known that.

A faulty machine is scrap material to him. The same machine to a technician is an opportunity for a good deal after he fixes the fault. Logically a working machine would fetch a better price than a heap of scrap metal. But that’s the logic of the technician. And mine I guess. But in this case I couldn’t predict the obvious. That people transform whatever is in their hands to a state in relevance to their custom behaviour patterns.

The lesson:
When things go wrong as they often would for every living human, whom do you approach? Whom do you give your brokenness to? The answer will depend on your expected end result of the problem at hand. If you want them working again, give them to the one with the record of making things work. Not the one who destroys whatever malfunctions, but to the one who can take broken down pieces and put things back together.
I am talking about any part of life that you may think of.

Think of an area in your life that may have broken down or malfunctioned. Do you need it working again? Have you been giving the job to the one who would not lead you to your expected end? Do you think you can find the right one who can do it right?
Make a move and give your brokenness to the right mender.

Anthony Muiruri – Motivational Speaker
Author : Be Good For Good
Author : Achieve Your Dream workbook
Founder : Book Place Media & Now Tell Us

2 thoughts on “Whom do you give your brokenness to?

  1. It’s nearly impossible for a human being to safely secure another human being’s brokenness. It’s probably why man, in general, seeks solace from a higher power than himself. Human nature in itself is flawed in a sense, and as they say, a blind person cannot lead another, nor a sick patient heal another. A higher power, in this case God, takes the burden of our brokenness when we entrust it to Him. Once we surrender our burden to Him, God straightaway gets to work. Our answer is then as good as delivered.

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